Artificial intelligence as a sales tool

Artificial intelligence as a sales tool

Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered configurators help optimize sales growth and business development. Patrick Heymans, Founder of SkalUP, describes the principle.

Patrick Heymans takes the example of a company active in shelving (industrial furniture): “We set up a software program that now has knowledge similar to that of an expert in the shelving trade. It assembles and configures a customized piece of furniture in line with the customer’s standards and criteria, while communicating a range of information such as price, transport costs and assembly time, and then sends the order to production.

This type of intelligent configurator can also be quickly parameterized for any type of product: frames, cladding and other industrial or non-industrial products.

" L’IA permet de tenir compte des souhaits des clients, des tendances, de la disponibilité en stock, des marges, etc. "
Patrick Heymans
Fondateur SkalUP

In addition to its customizable intelligence, SkalUP makes a point of working on the visual and immersive aspect of its web configurators. This gives users a real-time 3D rendering, or even extended reality, of the product they wish to acquire. “In the textile sector, for example, a company wishing to produce a series of 300 shirts according to a particular design can visualize it remotely, in 3D and with very high definition.

Thanks to this AI-3D alliance, users can also manipulate a host of other parameters: patterns, collars, buttoning, cut, etc.

Having a wide choice of options with a faithful visualization of the final product eliminates the need to send out samples and make multiple telephone calls or other exchanges before converging on the desired product. We are also participating in the Style 2 Garment project, which uses our configurators to make European SMEs more competitive in the face of fast-fashion. And what applies to textiles also applies to many other products,” concludes our contact.